Here at First Baptist Sherwood
We are Everyday People
worshiping an
Everlasting God
There are so many ways you can be involved!
Find out more below!

Worship Choir
It has been said that the first priority of the church is worship. Worship is what God created and fashioned us to do. At the core of our ministry of worship at First Baptist Sherwood lies our Worship Choir. These incredible people make up the backbone of our worship leadership team. They sacrifice time each week in rehearsals and during the music portion of our worship services each week. There is no audition required. We have those singing in choir that are first-time singers as well as trained singers. You don’t need to be an accomplished singer to be in Worship Choir–all it takes is a heart to worship and to see others worship, and there is a place for you!
Rehearsals are Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:30 pm in the Choir Room. For more information, contact the Worship Ministry Office at 501.835.3154 or email dtatum@fbcsherwood.org

Vocal Team
The Vocal Team is our frontline group of singers each week during our Morning Worship Service. This group consists of auditioned members of the Worship Choir and students and children at times on a rotating schedule. For more information about Vocal Team, please contact the Worship Ministry Office at 501.835.3154 or email dtatum@fbcsherwood.org

Praise Band & Orchestra
Each week our Praise Band and Orchestra also help to lead us in worship. Our Praise Band consists of guitars (acoustic, electric, and bass), keyboards, and drums, while our Orchestra is made up of woodwinds, brass, percussion, and strings. Using students (who have at least two years experience with their instrument) and adults, these groups provide the instrumental foundation for our musical worship. For more information about either the Praise Band or Orchestra, please contact the Worship Ministry Office at 501.835.3154 or email dtatum@fbcsherwood.org

Kidz Prayz
Our children participate in learning about worship through our Kidz Prayz ministry. Kidz Prayz meets in the fall on Sunday evenings at 5:00, and is for children who are in first through sixth grade. Kidz Prayz regularly sings in worship and utilizes special events and musicals periodically. For more information about Kidz Prayz, please contact the Worship Ministry Office at 501.835.3154 or email dtatum@fbcsherwood.org

(Summer Music Activities for Kids)
Since 2018 FBC Sherwood has been hosting a week of summer music activities in conjunction with Vacation Bible School in June each year. SMAK begins as soon as VBS concludes each day, and we spend the afternoon singing, playing instruments, learning choreography, playing games, and other fun activities to prepare for our performance during Family Night Activities on Friday. In the past years we have had various tracks like drumming, STOMP, crafts, games, drama, and others that help us have a great time each afternoon. SMAK is for kids who have completed first through sixth grades. For more information about SMAK, please contact the Worship Ministry Office at 501.835.3154 or email dtatum@fbcsherwood.org

Production Ministry
Beginning in 2015 First Baptist Sherwood embarked on a new venture and brought the Broadway-style musical into the church. This new avenue of ministry opened doors to share the gospel with our community in ways we had never done before. With multiple shows, each production saw the gospel presented to thousands of people during the Christmas season. FBC Sherwood presented The Christmas Post in 2015, Four Tickets to Christmas in 2017, and is on track to produce a new musical in December 2021. For more information about the Production Ministry of First Baptist Sherwood, please contact the Worship Ministry Office at 501.835.3154 or email dtatum@fbcsherwood.org

Media Ministry
With the addition of service and connection group streaming, our media ministry is busier than ever. This team fulfills all the behind-the-scenes roles that make our services possible. From running sound and visual media to controlling lights and cameras, this team is invaluable to the worship ministry of First Baptist Sherwood. We are always looking for new volunteers to help us. You don’t have to have any previous experience, just a willingness to learn. If you would like to join our team or just want some more information, please contact the Worship Ministry Office at 501.835-3154 or email dtatum@fbcsherwood.org
For more information regarding any of these ministries and activities, please contact
David Tatum, Ph.D.
Associate Pastor of Music & Worship
email: dtatum@fbcsherwood.org
office: 501.835.3154
mobile: 501.766.3158