The student ministry at FBC is focused on making disciples of students and their families. Our desire is to create environments where students can connect with other students, parents, and key adults, and grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. You can visit our events page to learn more about upcoming student events or visit our parents page for some great resources and info.
Midweek | Wednesday | 6pm – 7:30pm
This is our main outreach service for students in our community. It is high energy and fun, packed with exciting music and Biblical teaching. All students in 7th-12th grades in our community are welcome to attend. We have many adults that faithfully serve in this ministry that is located on the 2nd floor of our main building. Doors open at 5pm.
Here is a schedule of Midweek during the school year:
o 3:30-5:00pm: Set Up and Early Student Arrival
o 5:00-6:30pm: Students Arrive/Fellowship
o 6:30-7:30pm: Worship, Teaching, & Small Groups
o 7:30-8:00pm: Students Dismissed/Picked Up/Clean Up
o 8:15pm: Doors Closed- Baby sitting fee for all remaining students!
Sunday Morning Small Groups | 9am
Our Sunday Morning Small Groups are currently studying The Word.
We believe when students get it, it changes everything.
Moral stories become a master plan. Comparison culture becomes a culture of grace. Good deeds become a holy mission.
The Word is all about the gospel because the gospel is all about Jesus. Through weekly group Bible study, daily Bible readings, and a whole lot more, we’re here to help teach the good news of Jesus Christ to your student.