Our vision is to connect kids to God by nurturing a heart changing personal faith in Jesus Christ through biblically sound teaching and relational discipleship.
Bible Studies for Life
The Preschool/Childrens Ministries utilize the Bible Studies for Life: Kids curriculum during the Sunday School hour each week. Weekly sessions engage kids in the Bible through creative teaching elements, Bible stories, and hands-on learning. Reinforced throughout the session, Life Points help kids apply the Bible to their own daily lives.
Extended Care
Extended Care is provided for babies-kindergarten. Children in PreK attend Chapel to assist them in learning to participate in corporate worship with their families. Children in 1st-6th grade participate in the Sunday Worship service at FBCS. 1st grade children and their parents may choose to allow their child to either attend the adult worship service or come join the preschoolers at chapel, depending on the individual needs of the child. A children’s bulletin that includes points from the pastor’s sermon are provided to help children learn to focus their worship.
Wednesday Night Grow for Kids
On Wednesday evenings children participate in Grow. It features Bible memory games and application of Bible truths, engaging videos and activities, and fun activity-based learning all while helping your kids grow to be more like Jesus.
Kidz Prayz
On Wednesday evenings @ 5:30, our Children’s Choir meets to work on the current musical presentation. The evening includes a large variety of creative ways to worship our Lord and Savior and is open to all children from 2nd through 6th grade.